Evansville Weather: Uncover the Citys Climatic Patterns and Forecasts - Alexis Dickens

Evansville Weather: Uncover the Citys Climatic Patterns and Forecasts

Seasonal Weather Patterns and Climate: Evansville Weather

Evansville weather

Evansville weather – Evansville experiences distinct seasonal weather patterns that shape the city’s overall climate. From the warm and humid summers to the cold and snowy winters, the city’s weather offers a diverse range of conditions throughout the year.

The city’s climate is classified as humid subtropical, characterized by hot, muggy summers and mild winters. Average temperatures range from a high of 86°F (30°C) in July to a low of 22°F (-6°C) in January. Precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the year, with an average annual rainfall of 45 inches (114 cm).


Summer in Evansville is a season of heat and humidity. Temperatures soar into the 90s (°F) and often exceed 100°F (38°C). The air is thick with moisture, making outdoor activities uncomfortable. Thunderstorms are common during the summer months, bringing heavy rainfall and occasional severe weather.


Fall in Evansville is a transition season, marked by a gradual decrease in temperatures and humidity. The days are still warm, with average temperatures in the 70s (°F), but the nights become cooler. Fall foliage is a highlight of this season, as the leaves of trees turn vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow.


Winter in Evansville is cold and snowy. Temperatures drop below freezing for much of the season, with average temperatures in the 30s (°F). Snowfall is common, with an average of 15 inches (38 cm) per year. The city can also experience ice storms, which can cause power outages and hazardous driving conditions.

Spring, Evansville weather

Spring in Evansville is a season of rebirth and renewal. Temperatures rise steadily, with average temperatures in the 50s (°F) in March and the 70s (°F) by May. The city comes alive with blooming flowers and lush greenery. Spring is also a time for severe weather, including tornadoes and hailstorms.

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